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We’re Here to Help

Prosperity takes root with us. At the Economic Development Corporation Michigan City (EDCMC), we recognize that people are at the core of our thriving companies and communities here in Michigan City, Ind. That is why our mission is driven by focusing on tailored guidance to launch, develop or bring your business here. We are a private nonprofit uniquely able to connect all of the dots. We are your connection to resources, information, expertise, properties and talent to bridge the gap between opportunity and success. We are much more than just economic development.

“Michigan City: Open for Business”



Stats Indiana 2022

Manufacturing Jobs


Data USA

Gross Regional Product

$4.52 B

FRED Online Data

Gaston coordinates EDCMC offices as new team member

MICHIGAN CITY, Ind. – Tristan Gaston has joined the Economic Development Corporation Michigan City team as Special Projects Coordinator. He is responsible for connecting community members to the correct resources and tools, addressing inquiries on EDCMC services and offerings, synchronizing all aspects of the office and its team members, bookkeeping and preparing of necessary marketing materials and presentations. “I enjoy [...]

The Marquette Mall property is on the verge of entering its next chapter. Marquette Mall, which opened in 1967, was one of the first air-conditioned malls in the state. In addition to its poplar anchors, the mall housed a seven-story office tower that was state of the art. Nineteen years ago, Moshe Shemian and partners purchased Marquette Mall with the [...]

Power breakfast underlines housing project momentum in city

With a focus on housing, the EDCMC’s Power Breakfast highlighted the city’s mixed-use projects and new neighborhood as well as sparked future trade careers with financial support for trade show attendance. More than 160 attendees listened to panelists David Flaherty, CEO of Flaherty & Collins, Brian Farkas, director of Allen Edwin Homes, and Jeff Bennett, partner at McColly Bennett during [...]

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Vibrant Michigan City aims to ignite a more economically inclusive community through actionable steps that are rooted in research, data, public feedback, an advisory team of city leaders and expert guidance.

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